NEW YORK, Jan. 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Dynamic Three-O consisting of a nationally renowned nutritionist, fitness expert and editor and fashionista, introduce The Skinny Line, a collection of 100% all-natural weight loss and wellness products created by women for women. The Skinny Line is more than a supplement and diet program, it is a supportive community and movement designed by women, to give women all the facts they need about weight loss as it pertains to women, without the fat.

The company founders: fitness expert Lisa Avellino, highly regarded nutritionist Jacqui Justice and fashionista and editor of Resident Magazine Julie Sagoskin, introduce the The Skinny Line Collection of professional-grade nutritional supplements made with the highest quality and safest ingredients. The Skinny Line Movement is also a radio show, podcast, website, and social media outlet designed to engage, connect, and motivate women to take control of their diet, weight, and life.
It is also important to note that since the pandemic began, dozens of studies have reported that many of the sickest COVID-19 patients have been women with obesity and that there has been a marked increase in weight gain during this time. The study found that people with obesity who contracted COVID-19 were 113% more likely than people of healthy weight to land in the hospital, 74% more likely to be admitted to an ICU, and 48% more likely to die.
The Skinny Line Collection consists of a variety of FDA-approved, 100% all-natural products including tablets, creams, sprays and shakes such as: Skinny Spritz, Skinny Sculpt, Skinny Suppress, Skinny Shake, Skinny Boost and Skinny Energize, all designed to work easily for all types of women to achieve maximum weight loss. The Skinny Line Collection work synergistically with your body to allow for quick and safe weight loss while also boosting energy levels, controlling appetites, and promoting a healthy gut. The recommended start to the program is the 30-Day Skinny Diet which includes the complete line up of products and information.
“It’s easy to make a New Year’s weight loss resolution, but very hard to stick to it,” says Co-Founder and Nutritionist Jacqui Justice. “The Skinny Line Collection and Movement erase the common roadblocks to weight loss which are increased cravings and hunger and low energy, and make it easier to stay on the diet plan and reach your goals. We The Skinny Line Ambassadors are here to support our customers every step of the way,” adds Justice.
The 30-Day Skinny Diet Plan is recommended to get started on a lifetime of health and wellness. This is a 30-day trial is a body bloat-busting, fat- burning plan that includes The Skinny Line Collection and an optimal weight loss food and menu plan.
The Skinny Line Movement involves the three Co-Founders and includes a new weekly radio show entitled “Ladies, It’s Not Our Fault, It’s Our Hormones and High Heels” to engage and support women and to give them access to a community both on air and online at The Dynamic Three-O host the radio show which airs on on AM 970 The Answer/WNYM every Saturday. By combining Julie’s insider perspective of the fashion industry, Jacqui’s nutritional and medical knowledge and Lisa’s extraordinary understanding of how the female body functions, the radio show offers a groundbreaking platform that leaves their listeners looking and feeling gorgeous from the inside out. Esteemed guests have included supermodel Beverly Johnson, veteran journalist Joan Lunden and fashion designer, Josie Natori. As industry leaders, lifestyle experts and the ultimate entrepreneurs, they go the extra mile to bring their expertise to their listener’s homes with The Skinny Collection. For more information on the The Skinny Line and to get started go to
About the Founders:
As a nutritionist and leading expert in Weight Loss Resistance, Digestive Wellness and Menopause Management, Jacqui Justice brings over 20 years of experience to The Skinny Line for Women. Additionally, Lisa Avellino is a top health and fitness expert with over 30 years of industry experience. Julie Sagoskin is a journalist, editor, and fashion consultant. Jacqui, Julie, and Lisa co-host and bring their unique perspectives to the Skinny Line and The Skinny Movement
Julie Sagaskin, Lisa Avellino and Jacqui Justice are influencers and the creators behind
About The Skinny Line Brand:
The Skinny Line Collection of 100% natural weight loss and specially formulated wellness products, as well as an information source for women on health, diet, and beauty.
The Radio Show entitled “It’s Not Our Fault. It’s Our Hormones and High Heels,” is a cheeky resource to all things fashion, beauty, wellness, fitness top celebs and key personalities. The Radio Show covers all topics relating to health, wellness, beauty, and fashion.
The mission is for women to come to any of our platforms and leave with accessible value that they can implement into their everyday lives and be the best version of themselves.
Media Contact:
Stacey Bender
SOURCE The Skinny Line