SAN DIEGO, June 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The ocean and surf inspired SURFCHIQUE’s launch last November and they wanted to incorporate a giving back program into their business that truly helps the ocean and people that can be helped by it!
However, they didn’t want to just say that they give back, they wanted to keep it real and show it with every purchase. After finding an app that could integrate into their website, Daily Karma, they were able to easily route a percentage of all orders automatically to various causes that they align with while also allowing customers to have input and designate which one they wanted the funds to go to. Currently, they support Sea Trees, that protects ocean health and fights climate change, as well as several organizations that help people in all walks of life via surf therapy, providing hope, and getting outside!
The founder said, "The Daily Karma app makes it very helpful to automate the giving back process & help keep our brand accountable. It also lets us be transparent about the amount we are donating to our causes with each product purchase, while also giving us the flexibility to increase/decrease the amount by product or within a specific time period."
To ramp things up during this launch month, on International Surfing Day on Saturday 6/18, and through the first day of summer on 6/21,15% of all sales on will go to their aligned causes (less processing fees).
SURFCHIQUE is a surf inspired beauty brand that brings the wonders of the surf and sea to all, while keeping it real, fresh, & fun! Focusing on sustainability is key for the brand in order to protect the ocean and environment that fuels their products and livelihood. They do this by encouraging recycling their product containers with their recycling program and shipping their product in re-usable Boox boxes or compostable mailers. All products are also produced in small batches in order to keep them fresh and not waste product. They aim to keep it real in beauty while having fun in the process!
Visit to learn more.
@surfchique – Instagram
@surfchique – TikTok
Founder – Jennifer Curless
@jencsurf – Instagram/TikTok